A retrospective cohort analysis of bedaquiline resistance in patients with Rifampicin Resistant TB with or without second line drug resistance, Karakalpakstan (2015-2020)

Principal investigator

Parvati Nair
Purpose of study
Purpose of study

The study will evaluate the risk factors associated with amplification of resistance in patients with RR-TB and on new drugs within a long running large comprehensive TB programme.

Study status

  • Concept
  • Protocol & ERB
  • Implementation
  • Completion
  • Archived

Study timeline


  • Acquired bedaquiline resistance in Karakalpakstan, Uzbekistan
    Nair, P. "–" International Union Against Tuberculosis and Lung Disease "(2022)"
  • Primary bedaquiline resistance in Karakalpakstan, Uzbekistan
    Moe, S. "–" International Union Against Tuberculosis and Lung Disease "(2023)"
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