Person-centred care (PCC) to improve DR-TB treatment outcomes: Assessing a multidisciplinary psychosocial support (PS) and harm reduction intervention in a cohort of MDR/RR-TB patients with harmful use of alcohol in Minsk, Belarus

Principal investigator

Isidro Carrion
Purpose of study
Purpose of study

This study intends to demonstrate the feasibility and the benefits of a person centred model approach in MDR/RR-TB patients with harmful use of alcohol in a cohort of patients in Minsk, Belarus. A comprehensive psychosocial and harm reduction inte...

Study status

  • Concept
  • Protocol & ERB
  • Implementation
  • Completion
  • Archived

Study timeline


  • Patient and health-care provider experience of a person-centred, multidisciplinary, psychosocial support and harm reduction programme for patients with harmful use of alcohol and drug-resistant tuberculosis in Minsk, Belarus
    Harrison, Rebecca Elizabeth "–" Springer Science and Business Media LLC "(2022)"
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