Status: Implementation
endTB (Expand New Drugs for TB) Observational Study: Treatment of MDR-TB with regimens containing bedaquiline or delamanid
Study details: Observational study in Armenia , Bangladesh , Belarus , Ethiopia , Georgia , Indonesia , Kazakhstan , Kenya , Kyrgyzstan , Lesotho , Myanmar , Nepal , Pakistan , Peru , South AfricaPrincipal investigator: Helena HuergaLatest update: Completed date changed | 9th December 2022
Status: Completion
Diagnostic performance of a novel lipoarabinomannan test (FujiLAM) to detect tuberculosis in HIV-positive patients, Mozambique
Status: Completion
endTB (Expand New Drugs for TB) Observational Study: Treatment of MDR-TB with regimens containing bedaquiline or delamanid, Belarus